Species Guide


Size: While sizes do range depending on subspecies and gender there are still limits.

Height: 4ft 10in to 6ft 5in

Weight: 100lbs to 250lbs

Appearance: Coats come in many different colors, patterns and lengths but all are double layered. The undercoat offers protection from water and insulates from both the heat and the cold while the topcoat is the first line of defense from the elements and has the most color variation. Wolf heads are large and broad with a blocky snout and rounded ears. Common colors include: black, brown, white, grays, creams, and tans but there are shades of each the allow for very unique wolves.

Culture: Wolves are social animals who either actively live within a pack or seek one out either to form or join. They can be solitary but even those without a pack tend to group together.


Size: Like wolves size varies between subspecies and genders unlike wolves coyotes do not get as big. They are typically 10-12 inches shorter than wolves and a great deal lighter weight.

Height: 4ft to 5ft 5in

Weight: 90lbs to 150lbs

Appearance: Coyotes have double layered coats, the undercoat protects from water and insulates against heat and cold. The top coat provides the first protection from the elements and has a number various colors, patterns and lengths. The fur is not typically very long even in the winter months as it will just get thicker but there is some variation. Their heads are long and narrow and have a pointed snout and pointed ears. Typical colors include: black, brown, white, grays, creams, and tans though underbellies are usually much lighter than the sides and backs of coyotes.

Culture: They can live quite happily in either a pack or on their own though they will join a pack at some point or another in their lives if for no other reason than for raising a family. Many will choose to remain in a pack once joined, living solitary lives in their early adulthood though some choose to re-disperse late in adulthood as well.



Size: Size varies between subspecies and genders, though Jackals have a height range similar to Coyotes they are trimmer with a lower weight.

Height: 4ft to 5ft 5in

Weight: 90lbs to 130lbs

Appearance: There is a fair bit of variation in coloration and patterning depending on the subspecies. Jackals have a lean body with narrow skulls and long pointed ears, their coats tend toward the shorter side of the coat length spectrum. Like their cousins the wolf and coyote the Jackal also has a double coat; the undercoat protecting the skin from water and sun and also acting as insulation to the heat and cold, the top coat is the first line of defense and is colorful and offers each Jackal their own unique look. Common colors include: yellows, black, white, grays, tans, and browns.

Culture: Jackals are not terribly social and prefer the company of their own kind and even then the groups remain small, typically a mated couple and one or two children. That being said not all Jackals are alike and many can and do find happiness within a pack setting.